Shipping Restrictions

Shipping Restrictions

Items with this symbol are subject to Hazardous Materials (Dangerous Goods) shipping regulations, restrictions and fees.

  • These items can be shipped by Ground transportation at no additional cost for domestic shipments.
  • Ground transportation is only available in the continental United States and Canada.
  • To determine if your order is eligible to be shipped by Air for an additional cost please Contact Us.
  • Please note that dangerous goods items shipped via Air do NOT come with any delivery timeframe guarantees. This means that although you may pay extra fees for air shipment such as Next Day Air it can (and often does) take just as long as ground shipping and the shipping carrier and Angel Gilding cannot provide any reimbursement for these delays.
  • If an item has a Shipping Restriction icon on the product page it is subject to some form of shipping regulation. Some products are considered Limited Quantity at some volumes and Hazardous Goods at other quantities.
  • Some of our kits are marked with the Ship Restricted icon due to one or two of the items in the Kit. We are able to make modifications and suggest alternatives to enable the shipment of the kit via Air Transport. To request a kit modification or product substitution, click on "Request A Product Substitution Quote" on the shopping cart page.
  • Domestic shipping of hazardous goods is governed by 49CFR regulations. International shipping of hazardous goods is goverened by IATA regulations. 
  • In some rare circumstances we may find that due to shipping regulations, the box weight/size has changed the shipping price that is calculated on our website checkout. As a result, we reserve the right to review any additional charges that may be due and offer for you to either pay the additional charges or cancel the order.

You can find out more about an individual product’s transportation information on the Safety Data Sheet in Section 14 'Transport Information'. Safety Data Sheets are available at all times on our website here.

We reserve the right to refuse shipping dangerous goods based on company discretion. 


Here are some of the markings you may see on our product labels and packaging. Please refer to the individual SDS for safe handling and storage.